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Food is Medicine - Let the Healing Begin
Salad-Size Me – Results!
After 4 weeks of the Salad-size Me Program we met with Frank Kramer (of KLOS’ “Heidi & Frank” morning talk show) to get our results....
Salad-Size Me!!!
Over the past month I have had the honor of working with a local restaurant, California Monster Salad, to create a program to Salad-Size...
“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food” –Hippocrates
I am in awe of Hippocrates’ wisdom, yet only recently has research begun to prove that the foods we eat are not only beneficial to your...
Controlling Your Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure or force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart muscle squeezes and...
Healthy BBQ’ing and Grilling is Easy As 1, 2, 3!
When it comes to summertime, who doesn’t love to host BBQ’s and entertain hungry friends outside? It’s important to stay...
BBQ – Food Safety 101!
Eating outdoors and in warm environments can be a food safety challenge because bacteria and microbes thrive at higher temperatures. It’s...
Nutrition Misinformation
Nowadays it’s very easy to be confused, even frustrated, with the overwhelming and contradictory amount of nutrition and health...
Meatless Mondays for Better Health
One Monday in the year 2003, the Meatless Monday campaign began in the United States, in association with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School...
How Much Protein Do Athletes Really Need?
Whether you are a runner, body builder, or practice martial arts, your body needs protein to build muscle. Not only does protein supply...
7 Tips To Keeping Your Resolutions
It is already near the end of January and time to check in with your New Year’s Resolutions. Most people start out the year ready to...
Healthy Hearts Are Happy Hearts
As Valentine’s Day approaches love is in the air, but is your hearty healthy? While surrounded by red hearts, tiny cupids, and love,...
Why Choose Whole Grains?
Whole grain. Whole wheat. Multigrain. Aren’t they all the same? We know that all breads are not created equal. That is why we stopped...
Colorectal Cancer Awareness and Reducing Your Risk
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Colorectal cancer, cancer of the colon and/or rectum, is the third most common cancer and the...
The Sugar Issue: Reduce It Now
The sugar issue. Most of us have heard about the problem and know that sugar is not the best for us, but we still eat and drink it,...
April is Alcohol Awareness Month – Manage Your Drinking
April is alcohol awareness month, trying to raise awareness about your drinking habits. Alcohol consumption can produce health benefits...
Protect Yourself Against Skin Cancer
May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection month. Skin cancer is the most common kind of cancer in the U.S. One in five...
Healthful Tips For Surviving and Thriving
During this unusual time of self-isolating and social distancing hopefully you have more time to focus on yourself, your health, and that...
Cuckoo for Coconuts?
There seems to be a lot of news out there about coconut oil with rumors that it is a miracle weight loss cure, can help prevent Diabetes,...
Protecting Your Eyes From Serious Sun Damage
July is Eye Sun Safety and Protection month. Are you protecting your eyes from serious sun damage? Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can...
Chutney Chicken
This sweet and savory chicken dish is my kids’ absolute favorite meal. To this day, they request it when they come for dinner. Of course,...
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