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10-Day Seasonal Group Detox

Low energy? Craving sugar? Brain Fog? It's time for a diet reset!

$229.99 (+ tax/ship)
Virtual Sessions via Zoom

Service Description

Our bodies have many systems to help us detoxify, including sweat glands, lymph nodes, kidneys, bladder, nose, gallbladder, GI tract, and liver. The liver is the most important detoxification organ we have. Think of it as a big garbage disposal that everything we put in our bodies goes through. Toxins are normally changed into harmless molecules that we can excrete via sweat, urine or feces. Sometimes our bodies build up such a toxic load that our organs get overloaded and can't eliminate efficiently - that is when we can get symptoms of digestive problems, bad breath, insomnia, fatigue, weakened immune system, headaches, irritability, joint pain, itchy skin, constipation, poor concentration, and the list goes on. Toxins surround us - we consume toxins via preservatives, artificial sweeteners, MSG and other additives in our food, caffeine, alcohol, over-the-counter medications, nicotine, etc. They are found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, our cosmetics and lotions, what we cook and store our food in, chemicals we use to clean our bodies, our clothes, and our homes. Phew! Did you know that the CDC’s Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals tested 212 chemicals and found ALL to be in the blood and urine of most Americans! And even more disturbing is that these toxins have been found in the umbilical cord of newborns! We need to remove these harmful substances and nourish our bodies with nutrients that help the liver maintain its detoxifying power! Is a 10-day cleanse enough? It depends on how severe your symptoms are, but even in a 10-day period you will experience noticeable, positive change! This is a science-based metabolic detox program, which I offer 4 times per year. You will be eating nutritious, whole foods along with a nutritional shake and supplement to support the detoxification process. Program includes: • 2) 75-minute video chats with Dorothy – instructional and Q&A, including: educational slide shows and handouts to support you • Pre- and post-program symptom questionnaires • 10-day metabolic detox guide and welcome packet • 1 canister of UltraClear RENEW shake (pea/rice protein blend: berry, chai, or vanilla) • AdvaClear nutritional supplement • Shaker Bottle Contact me for the symptom questionnaire or with any questions you have! Space is limited, so sign up now!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

I am happy to reschedule any appointment, free of charge, within 24 hours of the appointment time. Cancellations less than 24 hours prior to scheduled appointment, last minute emergencies, and “no shows” will result in a full charge.

Contact Details


1041 Princeton Street

Santa Monica, CA 90403

Tel: 310.828.3000

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All information contained within this website, is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problems. No action should be taken soley on the contents of this website or the testimonials. Always consult a physician or qualified healthcare professional on any matters regarding your health or on any opinions expressed within this website. Results vary from patient to patient.

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